The ELLIS PhD program is a core component of the ELLIS initiative, designed to nurture and educate exceptional talents within the realm of machine learning and its related research domains. It accomplishes this goal by pairing exceptional students with distinguished academic and industrial researchers across Europe. The program integrates an array of networking and training opportunities, including summer schools and workshops. Each PhD student benefits from co-supervision by an ELLIS fellow/scholar or unit faculty member and another fellow/scholar or unit faculty member from distinct European nations. This collaborative approach includes an exchange period of at least 6 months with an international advisor during the course of their degree. In cases where an advisor originates from industry, the student engages in close collaboration with the industry partner.
Key Dates:
- October 2023: Application portal opens (link to apply will be published on the website)
- November 15, 2023, 23:59 CET: Application deadline (strict).
- November/December 2023: Review stage.
- January/February 2024: Interview stage.
- Late February/March 2024: Decision phase.
- Program: Start dates for the PhD program vary based on the advisor/institution.
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