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ELLIS Munich Unit
ELLIS Munich is an ELLIS unit integrating expertise from the Technical University of Munich, Helmholtz Zentrum München and collaborating partners and will contribute to the ELLIS programs on Computer Vision, Health, Earth & Climate, Natural Language Processing, Semantic, Symbolic & Interpretable Machine Learning, Robot Learning, Interactive Learning & Interventional Representations, Learning for Graphics and Vision.
It focuses on developing novel Machine Learning methods and deploying them in Biomedicine, Computer Vision and Earth Observation.
Our vision
Advance machine learning as a core research field through cross-fertilizing method development with feedback from local key application areas.
Our mission
ELLIS Munich scientists tackle the great challenges of AI explicability and the development of reliable, intelligent algorithms; they work in a truly communal environment developing methods in machine learning, demonstrating impact on application areas, training the next generation of interdisciplinary scientists and promoting industrial collaborations and startups to advance ML as a core research field.